Things have been pretty hot and dry here lately, and when I say hot I mean 96 degrees and 6% humidity. We have had some big fires north of us for the past few days, but believe it or not rain is in the forecast. It's late in the season for rain, but we're ready, rain barrels cleaned and primed. Lots coming out of the garden, lettuce, spinach, herbs, chard, kale, avocado, and lots of citrus, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and oranges.
Getting a handful of strawberries a day, but they don't last long. Finally harvesting the garlic that was planted on the fall. Now to dry, I have been reading all different ways, but can't settle on any. So... any suggestions would be great. It's pretty warm and dry here so I think that they might be able to lay on the dirt. Just don't want the slugs or any other vermon to get them before I do.